Would you like to better understand what's going on in your relationships, figure out why the other person is acting like that, find out the reasons for your behavior, establish more productive relationships, and make your existing relationships more solid and reliable?
• How do you evaluate your relationships? Conflicted? Moderate? Problem?
• Does your staff always expect something from you?
• Does your boss always scold those around him like a child?
• Does your best friend find you something to cry and whine about every day?
• Is your lover's favorite thing to talk implicitly and tease you?
• Does your parent always expect attention from you?
• Are you the first to come to everyone's aid?
• Is the troublemaker calling you?
• Are you always the one making the sacrifice?
• Do you sometimes find yourself constantly complaining?
• Does your spouse constantly criticize what you do?
• Is your manager one of those who know the best of everything?
• Do you ever wonder how you always attract the same people around you?
• Do some people make you feel guilty?
• Do you sometimes feel tricked?
• How is your relationship with your child? How does he get what he wants from you?
• Can you fully explain yourself to your spouse?
• In Psychological Games, we examine attitudes that will make interpersonal relationships easier to understand. We present our own examples…
• We discover ways of intervening in our relationships that we want to make more efficient, and we see ways to manage them.
• Thus, we notice the behaviors we exhibit at home and at work and the results it will bring, and we make a difference.
• This workshop open to general participation; We are waiting for everyone who wants to make their business and private life more productive..!
• "Experiential Coaching", which will be held with the desired participants following the workshop, is aimed at meeting individual needs.